Friday, February 29, 2008

Sliced and Diced

I got back a little bit ago from the surgery. Here's the recap:

The Good
  1. I enjoyed a chili burger and chili fries before going in.
  2. The nurse was ready for me a bit before the appointment, so things progressed on schedule.
  3. The doc got out nearly all of it (and there wasn't much) with the first scraping. He was so (rightly) confident that he sewed me up after the second minor scraping). The whole thing took less than two hours from check in to walking out.
  4. He was able to make the incisions along existing creases, so he says it will heal up fine.

The Not So Good
  1. The incisions were longer than I thought they would be. I thought it would be more like the biopsy.
  2. I have a good sized bandage on my face, albeit with "flesh" colored tape over it (me and the Asian nurse had a good laugh over that). This makes my attendance at the Rotary thing tonight a bit dicey, but I'll go. However, I get to replace it with a smaller one tomorrow.
  3. The doc recommended no alcohol for three days. That's just not going to happen with the bachelor party tomorrow. But, I'll stay off of the juice tonight.
  4. Talking led to the wound bleeding some. The doc said that the bleeding wasn't abnormal as the blood vessels go back to normal as the numbing agent wears off. 15 min of pressure seemed to take care of the situation.
  5. Sneezing hurts like hell.
The bottom line is that I'm glad it's done. I would have preferred that it wasn't as invasive, but that's life. For the time being I'll trust that I won't have a zipper on my face.

Thanks to all for hanging with me though this.

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