Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Now Who Has the STFU Problem

I wrote a few months ago that I thought Michelle Obama might give her husband some problems on the campaign trail with some bad comments (I can't find that entry right now, which is why I'm not linking back to it). She quickly got the STFU message and has toned things down a bit. But his ex-preacher is over the fucking top.

Anyone who leads a big church has a gigantic ego (like politicians) and Rev. Wright must be LOVING his moment in the sun. Who knows, maybe these kinds of shenanigans have been filling the church's pews and coffers. But, man, you would think that anyone who has spent a good chunk of his adult life pointing out how THE MAN has kept black folks down would be doing everything in his power to get one elected (OK, unless it was a black republican), or at least not doing anything that would sabotage it.

At this rate, dems may start thinking of him as the Ralph Nader of '08.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Makeover Wrap Up

My apologies for not blogging each day on the makeover project. But, the days were long and I was pretty beat when I got back.

On day's 2 and 3, putting in the floor turned out to be an incredible pain in the ass. But, the family's kids and gf's stuck with it and we got it done. Is it a professional job? No, but it's 15 times better than what was there before. Oh, and it was HOT.

Day 4 we worked on the kitchen, cleaned and got all of the furniture delivered. The kitchen was NASSY. But, we laid down some linoleum, put in a new stove/range hood and got it cleaned up pretty good. In a perfect world with $5k more in our budget we would have done a lot more in there, but we didn't. Oh, did I mention it was hot?

After all the blood, sweat and tears (and a little really unnecessary bitching from one of the gfs) the rest of the family came back. They were COMPLETELY blown away. Making a blind woman smile at how you redid her house is pretty satisfying. Plus, me and the guy who led the project both got in trouble with our wives for spending so much time on it, so we musta done something right.

We celebrated with some margaritas and laughs. I gave the two gfs a couple of remnants of the flooring as a memento.

It'll be nice getting back to regular work. As you can imagine, I'm a bit behind, but nothing serious (just a bit of insomnia about it--note the blog time).

Saturday, April 26, 2008

How I Love the NFL Draft...NOT

This weekend is the NFL draft, where teams choose which of the available college players they want. No problem here, it's better than the old way when the players went to the highest bidder.

What slays me is the completely overkill of the draft now. ESPN shows it CONSTANTLY all weekend and there are a million dudes who, apparently make their livelihood from coming up with mock drafts. What's the point of those? To see if you can guess what the teams are going to do? Figure out what the BEST draft is? And who checks up on these guys to see if they are right? It seems like these guys used to play D&D in their parents basement, found out they liked football, and now use this as a socially acceptable replacement.

Having said all of that, the RAIDERS better get some more offensive line help and a decent wide receiver. They do not, repeat, do NOT need another running back, especially McFadden. He's too much of a fumbler.

If I were the Packers, I'd be sure they have a good left tackle to take care of Aaron Rogers. Otherwise, they'll have to get Favre's ass off of his tractor for another year.

Makeover, Day 2

The first day of the makeover went great. We completely dug out the backyard (including some trees), ripped out the floorings, got started on the interior painting and hauled out a TON of shit. This one dude literally came out of the woodwork and created an amazing plaster bas relief over the fireplace.

I'll be going back there in a couple of hours. Today we'll be spreading about $800 of mulch and pebbles in the backyard. Then we'll build the 16' x 16' deck. This should set the stage for planting tomorrow. Also, we'll finish up the painting inside so we can lay down the new floor tomorrow.

Oh, did I mention it was going to be in the mid-80's today? Next year, we should get this project sponsored by a beer company.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Doin' Some Good

Today my Rotary Club starts a cool project...we're going to completely redo a blind woman's house, a la Extreme Home Makeover (sorry, ladies, Ty won't be there). We did a similar project 18 months ago and it was an amazing experience for everyone who participated. I'm sure this one will be the same. I'll blog more about it as the weekend goes on.

Later this afternoon I'm giving a talk at a conference. Unfortch, it's a conference of people who work in school districts, who are about to have their budgets slashed by the state. Yup, they are going to be SO excited about the prospect of spending money on me. I'm surprised they haven't canceled the conference. I'm sure there will be LOADS of people there.

And, in other awesome news, the RED SOFAS are here! The color is not as red as I remembered it, but they are red enough. They are a bit smaller than our previous ones, which I knew to be the case, and that's OK. Definitely changes the look of the room. I'd post a pic, but I've lost my camera. I'll order one online soon and I promise to put one up.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Vote Pennsylvanians, Vote!

I am officially sick and fucking tired of the primary season. The wife and I watched a little CNN last night and they were talking about the most inane things. Perhaps the coverage is usually like that (I don't watch much news on TV) or they've just run out of things to say, but we watched for 10-15 minutes and there was NO discussion about the candidates' position on any issues.

My wife asked me, "If you had a gun to your head, who would you vote for, Clinton or Obama?" I gave it some thought and said,"Obama." I've always felt that Clinton was a calculating politician like the men I detest (see her carpetbagging to New York). And, I could NEVER forgive her voting to give Bush the gun in Iraq. So, given that there's not a nickel's worth of difference between her positions and Obama's, I would go with him.

What surprised me was that my wife felt the same way. She's been a Clinton supporter through the campaign, but she has definitely tired of her and the pettiness of her campaigning (or, what at least makes the news). I think she's worried that all the distractions from the issues will turn out to be an advantage to McCain.

What kills me is the transitive property of primary wins that both sides try to use. Clinton: I won CA, so that makes me the better candidate. Uh, CA will be won by either her or Obama in the general election. Obama: "But I won Idaho." Umb, I don't think a democratic presidential candidate will win Idaho in my lifetime, so who cares who wins the primary?

As a spectator, I just want it to be done. For that reason, I hope Obama scores a big victory so this will be OVER. Alas, I don't think that's the case. It will be close. Maybe one wins the popular vote and the other gets an extra delegate. Either way, they'll essentially split the delegates, then it's off to North Carolina. Ugh.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tickling the Ivories

Last night the HB had a piano recital. He's funny about playing in that he's not really passionate about it, but we don't have to bug him about practicing. He LOVES going to his teacher because of the one-on-one attention he gets, which is odd cuz as an only child he gets tons of it here. He's no prodigy, but he plays well enough and continues to get better.

The once a year recital occurs at the local Mormon church. When I say local, I mean less than .5 miles from my house. Last year the HB's teacher and another teacher combined their students, so the whole thing took for fucking ever. This year there were about 30 students playing one or two songs. The HB was in the middle. He was excited that the nephew came. My oldest s-i-l was also in attendance.

The HB did appear to be nervous at all (which is typical for him). When it was his turn, he walked briskly up to the piano, put up his music, and played the song the best I have ever heard him play it. He normally plays things too fast and slows down at the tougher portions. Not last night. While he missed a couple of notes, he played (appropriately) slow and steady.

When he got back to our pew, he said he needed to use the restroom. On the way there, he told me that he had to pee the whole time and that he was a little bit nervous. I told him how well he played ("I know, dad").

Today we're off to the Huntington Libary, Art Collection and Botanical Gardens. Not that the art collection is so great (unless you are into Gainsborough), I'm into old books (though it is cool to see their Gutenberg Bible) or that I'm a big botanical gardens fan. Rather, we have some friends who live in the sticks with two girls the HB's age. We rarely get to see them (this whole thing was 2 months in the planning) and the Huntington is somewhat of a midpoint, it's a nice day, and the kids will have plenty of room to run around. So, we'll picnic and hang out for the afternoon before heading to my parents.

I hope that you are having a good one.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Self Employment Joys

There are many joys of self-employment. However, one of the real eye-openers is seeing up close and personal what happens with your money.

For instance, last week I got to pay my quarterly taxes. If you think it sucks seeing that money taken out of your check every two weeks, you should try writing a check for 30%-40% of the money you make each quarter. It's worse in CA in that we have state income taxes as well. Ugh.

Another hefty check I get to write is for my retirement account. Again, seeing the money leave and actually doing the deed are two very different things. I won't bitch about this as I can sock away more by having my own business that I could if I participated in a 401(k) or IRA. But, still. I'd rather GET big checks than write them.

Big night for the HB as he has his piano recital. He's one of those kids who takes these kinds of things in stride. I'm not sure if it's because he's a ham or just doesn't take himself that seriously. Hopefully, the latter. I'll give you a report tomorrow.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Radio, Radio

Well, that was about as much fun as I can have with my pants on. I won't wallow in the equipment the station had when I was a DJ. But, let's just say it's way nicer and easier to make it happen. We did have a small glitch at the beginning, but it went pretty smoothly after that. If you want to download the show, let me know and I'll send you a URL for it.

In other news, I saw how the Midwest had an earthquake. Every five years or so is snows somewhere in LA, which leads to a rash of "The Sky Is Falling" news stories. And, of course, whenever there's a big earthquake here the tsk, tsking in the national media is just ridiculous. Forget about the fact that more people die shoveling and driving in snow every year than in earthquakes in a decade in CA, but who ever said that people do a good job of evaluating risk?

Maybe the earthquake in the heartland will get people to realize that they are not this horrific event that sends every building in site crashing to the ground. In fact, the damage there was probably worse than in CA due to our building standards.

So, as a public service announcement, here are some earthquake tips (besides kiss your ass goodbye) for the flat landers. Now, I need to get back to preparing for fires and mudslides.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Knowing One's Limits

Right now, I cannot stand to hear the sound of my own voice. This is because I led three training classes on the same thing today. I listened to myself say the same things three fucking times. And I said those same things 4 times last week. Professional trainers must NEVER get sick of hearing themselves. I'm so glad I have tomorrow off from it, only to finish with a flurry with 4 classes on Thursday. Fortunately, there is so far no need for make-ups. Let's keep it that way.

At the beginning of the NBA season, Kobe Bryant practically BEGGED the Lakers to trade him. Instead, they knew something the rest of the league didn't about Andrew Bynum, then pulled a heist by getting Pau Gasol. Now, they can clinch home court advantage until the final series with a win tonight against Suckramento. Amazing. They've only lost 4 games with Gasol in the lineup. I don't think anyone wants to fuck with them now.

My prediction about Tiger not winning the Masters came true, but not after everyone, except Immelman, wilted like an azalea in the summer heat. Now it turns out that Woods finished 2nd on a bum knee. So, only one golfer can beat Tiger when he has a bum wheel? Ugh...these guys are weaker than I thought.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Left of the Dial

Great news, kids! I get to do a radio show this Friday and, you get to listen in LIVE. It's gonna happen this Friday from 1 pm to 2 pm on KUCI, and you can go to this link to stream it.

Back in the day I was a college DJ and even now when I listen to music I'll sometimes say to myself, "Man, next time I do a radio show, I'm gonna play that song." An hour's not very much, but it'll be jam-packed with good stuff. Hm...I'll have to squeeze in some Social Distortion, Megadeth, John Coltrane, The Raconteurs, Johnny Winter, 10 Years, Minutemen, Black Flag, Black Crowes w/Jimmy Page, Metallica, Indigenous, Miles Davis, etc., etc. An hour's not gonna be enough...sigh.

I cannot fucking wait. Hope that you can listen in.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday Work Break

While working on a Sunday completely sucks ass, I'm making good progress on this project. Good enough that we're going to take a family trip to the Norton Simon Museum for lunch and awesome paintings. We're having an record breaking heat wave here, and it'll be even hotter inland at the museum. Fuck it...they have air conditioning.

I think Tiger's in deep shit at the Master's. Six shots down? Yeah, it's been done before, but if it's going to be windy, it's going to be hard for him (or anyone else to shoot a low score). And there's that little bit of history that says that Tiger's never come from behind in the last round to win a major. I'm just not seeing it.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Work Break and MP3 Update

Since I don't have my usual (good) interruptions today, I need to create my own to keep my head clear. So, I updated some tunes on my MP3 and on the sidebar.

I LOVE the new The Raconteurs. I think I like it even more than the last White Stripes, which I also have on now. And, I'm reliving my punk youth with Social Distortion's Greatest Hits.

The first several songs on Warpaint (the new Black Crowes) are good, but the last few are way too slow for me.

After hearing Queenryche's version of Neon Night on their new covers CD, I had to add the original Black Sabbath version (and the rest of that disk). I'm not one to wallow in my musical past, that I still love listening to that record. It's amazing to think back to how people thought Sabbath was going to suck without Ozzy.

OK, getting back to it. But, before I do, Tiger's picking up ground at the Master's while Phil's over par (big surprise). We'll see how Casey, Immelman, Snedeker (all at 8 under as of this writing), and Flesch (7 under) play their last several holes with Tiger in the clubhous a -5.

Workin' on the Weekend

It's a beautiful day in LA and I'm stuck working. FUCK. Feel free to IM or e-mail me.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Poor Babies

I'm not (that big of) an idiot. When I go into a company for a project I now I'm asking busy people to do some extra work, at least in the shot term. So, I know that there will be at least a modicum of grumbling. But today's group for training was off the fucking charts.

There were only 4 of them and one couldn't find the room on time. We had ample time for the training, so that wasn't a big problem, but he comes in and just starts bitching about being selected for this project and everything else management does. And he prefaces every whiny remark with, "I don't mean to sound so negative..." Bullshit you don't, cuz if you didn't want to sound negative you'd keep spewing this crap.

His bitchiness got the others going as well. It got to the point that I should have brought diapers and pacifiers instead of coffee to the meeting. But, we got through it and I think they'll do fine. I was *this* close to stopping for a liquid lunch on the way home.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Why Taxes?

A few months ago I ranted about taxes. I wanted to get ahead of the blogger curve on the topic for this year.

For those of you employed by others, you may occasionally look at your check stub and say, "Man, that Uncle Sam is a MOTHERFUCKER...look at all that money he took." I'm self employed, so I get the pleasure of writing that tax check out of my bank account eight times a year--quarterly for the Feds and the State of CA (yes, I would like the sand and the KY this time).

In the grand political scheme of things, there are two reasons to tax the populace. The first is to pay for the government. The theory is that the government performs services for the common good and that these should be funded by everyone using some sort of formula. This is how gas taxes and admission to the national parks works.

The other theory is that the government should reward/punish our behavior. The tax laws try to get us to take better care of ourselves (cigarette and alcohol taxes), not make too much money (income tax) and drill for oil (see petroleum company tax breaks), among many other things. This essentially leads to a redistribution of wealth in that, at least at the federal level, taxes go into a general fund as opposed to an account to actually affect whatever area's being taxed. In the case of income taxes, this means redistributing from the wealthier (though not always to the poorer) and for cigarette/booze taxes means redistributing from the poorer.

The two theories should be incompatible because the second can lead to endless taxation for the nanny state (revenue collected being completely divorced from services) while the first is, theoretically, a pay as you go system. But, as you know, some of our taxes go towards the national park system AND you still pay to go there. And, there are some government services can't be pay-as-you go (like defense, unless we run a mercenary army).

So, how should we fairly pay for the government? I thought you'd never ask:

1) First, get rid of huge chunks of it. The number of superfluous government department and programs makes me want to scream. Do you think the federal government is doing a good job on local education? Yeah, I thought so. Unless it has to do with dealing with other countries, push the government shit down to the states/counties/cities.

2) We need to go towards more of a fee-for-service approach to funding the government. By attaching a true cost to the product/service people can make a more reasoned judgment as to whether they want to use it. If the government has to spend a gagillion dollars to combat global warming due to the use of fossil fuels, then put that cost into the product. Likewise, if the real cost is a nickel a toy to inspect for lead and other toxins, that should be the tax.

3) To fund the critical aspects of the government that we don't use as consumers (and this should be a VERY limited number of things) we need to collect the money in an equitable way. I don't buy that an income tax is a way to do it. Special interests and government greed/nanny-ism has made it way too complicated. Besides, why dissuade people from being successful? I think the Euros have this right with the value added tax on purchases, except food, drugs and clothing. If there's something that should be discouraged in this country, it should be buying shit.

So, happy tax day. No, please, presents aren't necessary. Just be sure to ask your fave presidential/senatorial/congressional candidate, "What steps would you take to limit the size of the federal government?" If s/he came up with 3 things I'd be shocked.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Go Lady Vols!

After the men took a dump early in the NCAA basketball tournament, the Lady Vols kicked some ass tonight against Stanford to win their 8th national championship. A very satisfying win, considering that they've been struggling during the tournament some. The only thing that would have made it sweeter would have been had they beat UConn. Guess you can't have everything.

Work is just getting crazy. Too many training sessions and too much other shit to do. At least half of my SF trip for the weekend if fucking shot. I still gotta decide as to whether to do the overnight or not. I'll decide after I call the hotel and see what happens to my rate when I ditch a night. Seems like going up there for <24 hours is going to cost a lot to see some folks at a cocktail party or two.

The good news is that my cold's just about gone. I'm thinking that one more good night of sleep and the bastard should be history.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Crossing Every t and Dotting Every i

I'm not the best details guy. I know what they are, but I'd rather focus on the big idea then the little stuff. I don't say that either with pride (as if the details are below me) or shame (I'm really good at the big idea). But, for the assessment program I ran today, and will again tomorrow, takes tracking down a LOT of details.

So, I printed everything I needed last night, organized files and put all of the shit in my car. The HB had a whiny friend sleepover and they crashed in the TV room. I took one of the downstairs bedrooms since I had to get up at the crack of fucking dawn and didn't want to wake up the boys or my wife. Laid out all of my clothes before going to be and slept blissfully until my phone alarm went off. I got ready and dressed on time and hit the road when I wanted to. Just one small problem...I forgot to shave. Christ.

So, when I get near my client's location, I pulled into a Stop-and-Rob and bought a razor that came with a small can of shaving cream, thinking that I'll be able to clean up before things get started. But noooooooooooooooooo...the bathrooms were still locked and I couldn't check on them later until after my client and the participants got there. So, I had the Euro look all day. I put the the razor and cream next to the downstairs sink so that I don't forget tomorrow.

Yesterday's work paid off as they day went off without a hitch. A few whines from the participants, but that's par for the course.

Oh, and FYI. Do NOT give your business to Rent-a-Center. I needed to rent some camcorders from them for the two days and they gave me a great story about how they could get two for me by Tuesday. Tuesday comes, no cameras. Wednesday comes, no cameras. Thursday comes, "Oh, someone's driving them up after a meeting that's going to be over at 10, I mean 1, I mean..." As it turns out, I bought the cameras at an electronics place and the 15% restocking fee is about half of what Rent-a-Center was going to charge me. A good thing to remember.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Some Days Just Tie Me in Knots just didn't work out OK.

First, I'm feeling a little crummy (with small fever, I think), so I've been popping Zicam and aspirin all day. I made it through a meeting and got a bunch of shit done, so it was OK.

Late this afternoon I found out that I'm double-booked next week for doing training sessions when I was hoping to be in SF for a conference. FUCK! Maybe I can change my plane ticket and make the conference for one-day, but there were a bunch of people I wanted to see there. It's times like these when I wish I had a secretary to help me keep track of this shit.

Here's what Thursday looks like:

1) Print about 300 pages of stuff for Fri and Sat (I had some copies made, but they look like shit). Hopefully, I can get the HB to help me staple, etc.

2) Pick up the DVD camcorders from the rental place. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm buying two of them. I just don't trust these guys.

3) Head to the house we're redoing as part of a Rotary project.

4) Handle regular e-mail, etc.

5) Oh, did I mention that I'll be keeping track of the HB since he's still off of school?

I think it's gonna be another Zicam and aspirin kind of day.