Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Smut Meme

Ah, thank you (I think) to my good buddy Lola for this. A lotta rules came with this that I'm going to ignore because I hate rules.

If you want to play along you can answer the questions in the comments or pop it in your own blog.

1. Chocolate or Whipped Cream:
Definitely whip cream...and not just for the N2O hits.

2. Leather or PVC: I'm a metal dude...leather.

3. Outdoor Sex or Indoor Sex: Outdoor. The thrill makes up for the mosquito bites on your ass.

4. In the Jacuzzi or In Bed: Jacuzzi always sounds better, but can be, umb...impractical. Plus, you're sitting in the post-coital (or whatever) water just doesn't sound all that great.

5. Bad Sex or No Sex: Bad sex? There's good and better, embarrassing and comfortable, but I'm unfamiliar with bad.

6. Dominate or Be Dominated: I've never been with a very aggressive woman, so I can't comment on the latter. I don't mind the former, but not all of the time.

7. Thigh highs or Bodystocking: Haven't had the experience, but the thought of thigh highs is way better.

8. Fast or Slow: What's it with all of these false choices? FIGHT THE TYRANNY OF OR-- EMBRACE THE POSSIBILITIES OF AND.

9. Rough or Gentle: I tend towards gentle.

10. Bite or Suck: See #8. And don't forget lick and nibble.

11. Role play or Reality: Oh, you mean besides playing mid-40s married people? A little bondage here and there is nice, but who's got time to put on a show?

12. Dirty Talking or Dirty Talking To: BOTH, but not in a 'can you top this' way.

13. Edible panties or No Panties: No panties.

14. Spanking paddle or Bare-handed: Bare-handed.

15. Landing Strip or Kojak: Me or her? Let's just say trimmed is nice, but there's no reason to get all topiary.

16. Multiple Sessions or One Good Fuck: As if we normally have the time for more than one. But, I like the creativity of multiple.

17. Moaning or Screaming: Moaning...screaming kinda freaks me out.

18. Older Men or Young Men: Uh, neither.

19. Threeway or No Way: No way. I'm just WAY too self-conscious. Having said, that, I can't say I'd pass up the opportunity just to see what it's like.

20. Swing or No Swinging: Nope, not interested.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just couldn't pass this one up...

1) Neither. In a word: infection.
2) Leather. Collar with metal studs. Growl.
3) Outdoor, raining but warm...camping.
4) Bed. Its just like how people think having sex in the shower is awesome...when really one of you is drowning and the other one is freezing out of water range and begging for a parka.
5) I'll take bad sex over no sex. But bad sex day after day means you ain't communicating.
6) I've been the mistress and the whore.
7)Thigh highs work better for me. Bodystocking was....sweaty.
8)Each speed has a purpose.
9)I'm a rough kinda girl. But once in awhile, with the right person...gentle can blow my mind.
11)If you're living right, reality is usually enough.
12)the words cunt, bitch, whore, cock, etc all have a rightful place in my bedroom. but in the bedroom and only during sex.
13)al fresco
15)trimmed neatly :o)
16)Ever seen a History of Violence? Now, that was ONE GOOD FUCK. *shiver*
17)moaning loudly
18)definitely older. my minimum is 34. maximum is 54.
19)Did it. Me and two guys. Frankly, I loved it.
20)no thanks, I'll walk.