Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Look Back Wednesday

OK, it was Obama who won more states, but he and Clinton still fought to a draw. You can see the passion in Obama supporters given his percentage of wins in the states that caucus compared to those who have primaries (see Iowa). Of the remaining contests in February and March, 10 1/2 (Texas has a hybrid) are primaries and 5 1/2 are caucuses, which would seem to give Clinton an edge. What's striking is that there very few close contests between them at the state level. I guess they're pretty smart in picking their battles. One thing is for sure, if this stays this tight we'll start hearing about Clinton sending lawyers to get the Michigan and Florida delegates seated (states she won but are being punished for moving up their primaries).

On the donkey side, Romney's gotta be looking at the return-on-investment of his money. He's outspent Huckabee a gagillion to 1 and is stuck in second place. He seems to win small midwestern states while Huckabee wins the bible belt and McCain takes everything else. If he was running his campaign like a business he'd sell. My sense is that his ego's too involved and he is going to keep going for another month.

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