Thursday, February 14, 2008

Going Under the Knife

I did hear from my HMO and I'm going to get the Mohs procedure done on 2/29. I LOVE that day. This year it's a bit inconvenient as I have a charity fund raiser to go to that night, but I guess I'll do so with a (hopefully) small band-aid on my face.

It's scheduled for 11 am. It will be under a local anesthetic, so I don't have to starve myself before going in, which is great because the hosptial is near one of my fave burger places. The burger place is an LA institution. The one downtown is like the Times Square of LA in that people from all over the city (punks, frat boys, gang bangers, music industry types, kids from the 'burbs, etc) go there at all hours of the night without fights breaking out. The one I'll hit before the surgery is near what used to be a great concert club. In fact, I was at that club the night before mine and my wife's first date seeing Metallica, Megadeth and Armored Saint (awwwwwwwww).

I hope that you have a great Valentine's Day. I'll be spending most of the day at was used to be called the LA Open. Then wine, cheese, etc. with the wife.

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