Saturday, February 2, 2008

I Finally Put My Finger on Why Romney Bugs Me

Responding to a comment from my post on the dems' debate, it finally put my finger on what bugs the shit out of me about Romney. It's that his campaign is completely hypocritical. Forget all of his changed positions on issues, this is much more to the core.

When the donkeys were debating at the Reagan library they went on and on and on about who was the 'true' conservative like Reagan. Never mind that Regan raised taxes, signed an abortion law in CA when governor, and increased both spending and the debt as president.

Romeny's spiel goes something like this, "I'm not from Washington so I can change things." Fair enough. Then, he jumps all over McCain, and to a lesser extent Huckabee (he just ignores Paul like he's a crazy uncle) for not towing the republican line. So, Mr. Romney, exactly how are you going to change Washington if your litmus test for being a good republican is voting the same way all the republicans are currently voting? Considering that the donks only recently ceded power, who were these 'Washington' people who need changing? That's right, the republicans you want to vote with. If you're the agent of change, don't you wan to point out you differences with those people?

Plus, he talks about free and open markets etc., the trolls for votes in Michigan by promising government assistance to help the auto industry. Right, like what we need to do is have every tax payer support an industry when so many of us have rejected their product as inferior. That makes perfect fucking sense. He should go back to buying and selling businesses.

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