Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sat 8: Friends or Foes

OK, I'm late. What's it to ya?

1. do you have a family member that you cannot stand? who are they, and why?

Hm...probably nothing that strong. But I do have one cousin who is very weasily.

2. have you had a previously-detested family member turn into someone you very much liked (they matured, apologised for a past wrong, etc.)? what happened?

Nope. Though I do find that there are some family members who I like more as time goes on.

3. when was the last time a family member embarrassed you in public? what happened?

Hm...I'm sure my parents did, but I can't think of anything in particular right now.

4. when was the last time YOU did something to embarrass your family in public (or private)?

HAHAHAHAHA...I'm probably the wrong person to ask.

5. what was the last big spat you had with a friend? what happened?

Lynn and I got into a row because she accused me of acting different towards her due to her new bf. I'm think she was projecting. At any rate, we still haven't resolved that.

6. when was the last time a friend was in trouble? were you able to help them out?

I have a friend who's having relationship problems. I don't know if I've helped her, but I'd like to think I've given her a good sounding board to work things out herself.

7. has a friend ever done something very bad (or embarrassing, or possibly illegal?), and left you either holding the bag or left you to clean up the aftermath? are you still friends with that person?


8. when was the last time you "got even" with someone? do you regret it?

Revenge and catharsis don't work for me (damnit!), so I don't think I've ever gotten even with someone.

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