Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dems Debate in LA

The HB had dinner at a friend's house. So, the wife and I had a romantic dinner of leftover ravioli while watching the democrats debate. As I would NEVER vote for either Clinton or Obama, I think I can be fairly objective on what transpired:

1) They were REALLY nice to each other. Why? Because HUGE contributors were in the audience, some of whom may not have made the full legally allowed contributions to the campaigns. This was not a group either one could afford (and I use that term in a very strict sense) to piss off by coming off as nasty because seeming nice is very important in Hollywood.

2) There is hardly a nickel's worth of difference between them on the issues. Obama was against the war from the get go and Clinton's played coy with it until she knew it was best for her political career to be against it. Big fucking deal. It doesn't change that we are there now and they both have essentially the same plan to get us out. Same thing on health care. They argue about EXACTLY how many people will be covered under their plans. You know what? Those numbers are guesses. The bottom line is that they both want the government more involved in health care. I think that's a bad idea, but apparently most democrats don't think so.

One of the last questions was basically, "Would you consider the other person for VP?" After they soft-pedaled their answers, my wife looks at me and says, "Could you imagine being Hillary's VP with Bill around? Gore had a tough enough time with Hillary there." I agree that being her VP, to use an old saw, wouldn't be worth a bucket of warm piss.


lola h. said...

sounds a little like the republican one the other night! scary!

Chat Wrecker said...

I really should blog about them again soon. But, in the meantime, at least they have significant differences. I'm sure the debate when something like this:

Romney--Believe what I say now, not what I said before.

McCain--The more people we kill, the closer we are to winning.

Huckabee--God wants me to be president. Isn't that good enough?

Paul--I'm the only one who speaks the truth! Why won't anyone listen?