Monday, April 2, 2007

Sight-Seeing Central

Today we did the full-on tourista thing in that we went to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. The park service sells these special tickets for walking around inside (but not to the top of) the Statue of Liberty that you need to get in advance. We did so, but they were sold out on the NYC side, so we needed to get them from the New Jersey side at Liberty Park. This meant that we not only got to enjoy the NYC train system, but also the PATH trains and the NJ light rail. It all worked out fine and we didn't have to wait for any train for too long.

It was the second time my wife and I had been to Ellis Island. Since all of the HB's grandparents and several of our nephew's relatives (he has a great aunt who's in her 90s and can't tell you what she had for breakfast but can tell you EVERYTHING about her trip across the Atlantic and through Ellis Island) went through there we thought it would be a cool place to go. We were able to talk to the boys about how today's attitudes towards immigrants aren't really that different than there were 90 years ago and how the exploitation of immigrant labor then led to unionization of factories and sweatshops and how that relates to janitors organizing unions today (at least in LA).

The Statue of Liberty kind of speaks for itself. It was cool for the boys to learn how it was built and renovated and they had some life-size portions of it on the tour.

Tonite we have tickets for The Blue Man Group. My wife and I saw it at least 10 years ago in Boston before it became such a big deal. I'm sure that they boys will dig it as much as we did the first time that we saw it.

Right now we're thinking Natural History Museum and Hayden Planetarium tomorrow. The weather's supposed to suck on Wednesday (the day we leave, but not until 5:30pm) so we'll have to see what we can squeeze in.

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