Tuesday, April 3, 2007

On the Road to Wellville

First, because I know that you are all wondering, the HB pooped.

Both boys were feeling much better than last night, so after some sleeping in we hit the town. Since it was a sunny day we scratched the Natural History museum and headed to mid-town. My wife wanted to go up the Empire State Building. Unfortunately, the wait was more than 2.5 hours (and, yes, people were doing it), so we decided to pass. At the end of the line before the elevators, most people looked as if they were in a refugee camp rather than site seeing. Oh, and while we were figuring all of that out, Lynn called. Turns out that when she fell in Nashville she also cracked her kneecap (which went undiagnosed). She says she'll call on Thursday, so I should get the full scoop then.

So, from there we walked up 5th Avenue, stopping at the NY Public Library, Rockefeller Center, St. Peter's, FAO Schwartz, Central Park, etc before getting back. The boys are chillin' now and we don't have any plans for tonite. I'm thinking some deli sandwiches and a movie in the room should do it, but we'll see. We have a 4:45pm flight tomorrow. I'm hoping that the weather is good enough for us to at least bum around in Central Park before we head to the airport, but it's supposed to rain, so we'll see.

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