Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Some Days Just Tie Me in Knots just didn't work out OK.

First, I'm feeling a little crummy (with small fever, I think), so I've been popping Zicam and aspirin all day. I made it through a meeting and got a bunch of shit done, so it was OK.

Late this afternoon I found out that I'm double-booked next week for doing training sessions when I was hoping to be in SF for a conference. FUCK! Maybe I can change my plane ticket and make the conference for one-day, but there were a bunch of people I wanted to see there. It's times like these when I wish I had a secretary to help me keep track of this shit.

Here's what Thursday looks like:

1) Print about 300 pages of stuff for Fri and Sat (I had some copies made, but they look like shit). Hopefully, I can get the HB to help me staple, etc.

2) Pick up the DVD camcorders from the rental place. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm buying two of them. I just don't trust these guys.

3) Head to the house we're redoing as part of a Rotary project.

4) Handle regular e-mail, etc.

5) Oh, did I mention that I'll be keeping track of the HB since he's still off of school?

I think it's gonna be another Zicam and aspirin kind of day.

1 comment:

lola h. said...

poor pumpkin.
if it makes you feel any better i'm having the same week. sigh.
i can't believe that kid is STILL off of school! damn!