Saturday, April 19, 2008

Self Employment Joys

There are many joys of self-employment. However, one of the real eye-openers is seeing up close and personal what happens with your money.

For instance, last week I got to pay my quarterly taxes. If you think it sucks seeing that money taken out of your check every two weeks, you should try writing a check for 30%-40% of the money you make each quarter. It's worse in CA in that we have state income taxes as well. Ugh.

Another hefty check I get to write is for my retirement account. Again, seeing the money leave and actually doing the deed are two very different things. I won't bitch about this as I can sock away more by having my own business that I could if I participated in a 401(k) or IRA. But, still. I'd rather GET big checks than write them.

Big night for the HB as he has his piano recital. He's one of those kids who takes these kinds of things in stride. I'm not sure if it's because he's a ham or just doesn't take himself that seriously. Hopefully, the latter. I'll give you a report tomorrow.

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