Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Now Who Has the STFU Problem

I wrote a few months ago that I thought Michelle Obama might give her husband some problems on the campaign trail with some bad comments (I can't find that entry right now, which is why I'm not linking back to it). She quickly got the STFU message and has toned things down a bit. But his ex-preacher is over the fucking top.

Anyone who leads a big church has a gigantic ego (like politicians) and Rev. Wright must be LOVING his moment in the sun. Who knows, maybe these kinds of shenanigans have been filling the church's pews and coffers. But, man, you would think that anyone who has spent a good chunk of his adult life pointing out how THE MAN has kept black folks down would be doing everything in his power to get one elected (OK, unless it was a black republican), or at least not doing anything that would sabotage it.

At this rate, dems may start thinking of him as the Ralph Nader of '08.

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