Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tickling the Ivories

Last night the HB had a piano recital. He's funny about playing in that he's not really passionate about it, but we don't have to bug him about practicing. He LOVES going to his teacher because of the one-on-one attention he gets, which is odd cuz as an only child he gets tons of it here. He's no prodigy, but he plays well enough and continues to get better.

The once a year recital occurs at the local Mormon church. When I say local, I mean less than .5 miles from my house. Last year the HB's teacher and another teacher combined their students, so the whole thing took for fucking ever. This year there were about 30 students playing one or two songs. The HB was in the middle. He was excited that the nephew came. My oldest s-i-l was also in attendance.

The HB did appear to be nervous at all (which is typical for him). When it was his turn, he walked briskly up to the piano, put up his music, and played the song the best I have ever heard him play it. He normally plays things too fast and slows down at the tougher portions. Not last night. While he missed a couple of notes, he played (appropriately) slow and steady.

When he got back to our pew, he said he needed to use the restroom. On the way there, he told me that he had to pee the whole time and that he was a little bit nervous. I told him how well he played ("I know, dad").

Today we're off to the Huntington Libary, Art Collection and Botanical Gardens. Not that the art collection is so great (unless you are into Gainsborough), I'm into old books (though it is cool to see their Gutenberg Bible) or that I'm a big botanical gardens fan. Rather, we have some friends who live in the sticks with two girls the HB's age. We rarely get to see them (this whole thing was 2 months in the planning) and the Huntington is somewhat of a midpoint, it's a nice day, and the kids will have plenty of room to run around. So, we'll picnic and hang out for the afternoon before heading to my parents.

I hope that you are having a good one.

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