Monday, March 31, 2008

Day Off?

The HB has this week off as well as part of his spring break. The wife and I have three strategies to deal with such extended breaks: 1) Put him in camp. 2) Split days--she'll go in to work super early while I keep track of the boy, then she'll get home noonish and I'll work, then we both end up working that night. 3) We'll alternate taking whole days working or hanging with the HB.

Since LAUSD is back is session, number 1 is not an option. For reasons I can't recall, number 3 was the best option for this week and today was my day to have him. The only problem is that I'm at a critical point in some projects and after taking last week off I really had to get some shit done today. So, I got up early to get a head start on some e-mail and took a looooooooooong phone call while the HB was finishing up some cartoons. He ran some errands with me (mostly getting ready for an assessment project on Fri and Sat) and did some stuff while I tried to get some work in and while we waited for the plumber (who was...oh, only about 90 minutes late). Oh, and we fit in some Wii time. I gotta get him up to snuff so he can beat the BS's ass when he comes over.

I got about half of what I needed to done before heading out to a dinner meeting. I'm totally beat now, but I better have some energy tomorrow cuz I have a ton of shit to do.

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