Sunday, January 13, 2008

Death and the Past

It's probably of very little interest outside of Southern California (shit, outside of Anaheim), but Carl Karcher, the eponymous founder of the Carl's Jr. fast food chain died. Like all of us, Karcher was a complicated man. He was a vicious homophobe and anti-choice, but he also gave generously to homeless and educational causes.

He sticks in my mind for a couple of reasons. First, I would not buy food at CJ's until after he was forced out of the business. I couldn't fathom giving money to a guy with his political views, despite how much I LOVED their fries and onion rings. Second, it was in a CJ's parking lot that Lynn kicked me to the curb when we were in high school.

So, if you live near a Carl's Jr., Green/Red Burrito or Hardees, go grab something in memory of the old man. He built a huge business out of less than $400. And that's nothing to sneeze at.

1 comment:

Holly Jahangiri said...

That was a nice tribute. The kind of memorial tribute I'd hope for out of people who didn't much like me in life: honest, straightforward, and ungrudgingly conceding my good points or accomplishments without completely rewriting history and plastering over my flaws with saccharine.