Sunday, January 27, 2008

Happy 15, Nephew

My nephew turned 15 today. Unfortch, my wife is still sick from her trip to FL. In fact, so sick that she couldn't make it. So, the HB and I headed down to Lucille's BBQ for the official birthday meal. It wasn't bad for chain restaurant food and I'd be willing to go back.

The nephew brought a friend along, which is nice because I get the feeling that he doesn't have a ton of friends at school. This is a kid I've met before. I like him, if for no other reason, than Spam is the ring tone on his phone. The boys got a long fine and there weren't any problems.

We went to my sil's for presents and dessert, both of which got delayed so the boys could play Wii for a while. But, and hour of so at the in-laws without the spouse is just about enough, so we took our cupcakes to go. It was just as well. It gave us a chance to see my parents (who live 15 minutes from my sil) and get home in time for the HB to play with some of the neighborhood kids. He's missed out on that over the last couple of weeks due to his play rehearsal schedule.

Dinner's been made and dishes cleaned. Going to but the HB in bed and pour myself something large with vodka in it.


Anonymous said... and cupcakes. I'll be right over.

I'll bring a case of cold medicine for the wife. Poor thing. I hope you and the boy don't catch it!

By the way, thanks for the link mister!

lola h. said...

i so want bbq now.

i might have it tomorrow for lunch.

damn you, chat wrecker. i'm ringing you from the freaking drive-thru.