Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Roe v. Wade at 35

Today is the 35th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision making it legal for a woman to obtain an abortion. I want to be clear about my nuanced position on this matter as it pertains to the laws in the United States of America. Ready?


She doesn't want to tell the sperm donor/husband/bf? That's unfortunate, but not a legal matter. Under 18 and she thinks her parents will kill her because she's pregnant? Then she should be able to get a judge's OK. Wants a girl instead of a boy? I think that's sad, but it's none of my business.

I fully and completely respect people who are morally opposed to abortion. My uncle, who was and ob/gyn wouldn't perform them because he and his partner were against it. But, he would refer his patients to a doctor who did perform them. Why? Because it was her choice to make her medical decisions.

I have no problem with people who are against abortion peacefully attempting to get others to see things their way. However, I do draw the line when they try to prevent women (forcibly or otherwise) from getting the operation. That includes intimidating doctors so that there are not providers available in certain areas.

Of course, it's this kind of issue that shows the hypocrisies of our two major political parties. The republicans preach personal responsibility, but want the big nanny government telling pregnant women (and their doctors) what they can and cannot do. The democrats are nominally in favor of individual rights when it comes to personal choices, but want our medical choices and availability to be made by the government. Go figure.


Anonymous said...

Good Lord...

I want to sit down and have a beer with you.

Chat Wrecker said...

I know this great place near a clinic where the protesters march...

lola h. said...


i happen to be 35. i am proud to share a birthday year with Roe v. Wade.

sure wish medusa would have exercised her right with GoldenBoy, but hey. bummer. ;)