Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sat 8--Happy New Year

1. did you go out for new year's this year?

Yes (see previous posts).

2. did you do any travelling during the holidays?

No. I don't mind that I didn't travel around christmas, but miss not hitting the road the week between christmas and New Years.

3. what was the best gift you gave this holiday season?

Donations to a battered women's shelter.

4. the best gift you received?

A sudoku book from the HB.

5. are you off of work on MLK, Jr. day? if so, any plans for the long weekend?

Will take at least half of it off as the HB has it off. No big plans.

6. did you make any new year's resolutions this year? if so, what are they? if not, why not?

No to make any New Year's resolutions. Seriously, I'm not into resolutions. You just gotta live your life and make changes when you need to.

7. a look back - what was the best thing about 2007?

Making new friends.

8. a look back - what was the worst thing about 2007?

Mine and Lynn's friendship going to hell in a handbasket.

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