Friday, August 1, 2008

Sticking Around the House

While the HB was between camps this week, we decided to stick around the house. Don't even use the word "staycation" or my wife will slap you...hard.

Wednesday we grabbed our nephew (and the HB) and went to the fair. I LOVE the fair. The goofy performers, the stick food, getting to see what's hot in unwed mother wear and prison tattoos. It's all good. The boys won some stuff animals, we went on rides that looked unsafe (funny, more people seem to die on Disney rides than on carny ones), saw some Chinese acrobats and took in a hypnotist show. Great fun.

Yesterday, we all (yes, the nephew slept over) went to Universal Studios, mostly to go on the new Simpson's ride. It boggles me how much time we spend at Universal because, quite frankly, there really isn't that much to do there (at least the tickets were Costco cheap). And it's not the lines are that long (I don't think we waited more than 20 min to get on a ride). I guess it's because we do some attractions as well. At any rate, the Simpson's ride is fun and not bad to stand in line for because they show episodes from the show as well as some new stuff. Driving home in rush hour kinda sucked, but was made bearable since the Angels were kicking the shit out of the Yankees (I'll have to blog about the big baseball trades soon).

Today, we all (yes, the nephew continued to sleep over) kinda of hung out (I went to a schmooze and then worked in the morning) then went and saw the 3rd Mummy movie. Why they bother writing dialog for these movies is completely beyond me. And Brendon Fraser must be pretty content with his lot in the actor's life because between this and Journey to the Center of the Earth, he's had to deliver some pretty bad lines. But, he can recite Shakespeare under his breath on the way to the bank.

Tonight we're all gonna Wii (yes, the nephew is STILL here--which is a good thing) and probably watch another movie. This is not prob as the Angeles beat the Yankees again (1-0). Having a couple of drinks and watching a mindless movie (or a bunch of Simpson's episodes) sounds kind of good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'd bang brendan fraser like a cheap gong over a bed of steamed rice.

but then again, i'm ovulating. that euphemism would apply to almost anyone with a penis right now.

so, when ya comin' to FL? ;)