Friday, August 8, 2008

So, Have We Got the Terrorists Yet?

Yesterday a US attorney tried a dead man in the court of public opinion while a military court found Osama bin Laden's driver guilty, but not on all counts. Of course, W has not intention of letting him out of Gitmo, so it doesn't really matter, except now the administration can say, "See, we had a trial and it didn't completely go our way." No word on whether ObL's mechanic or dry cleaner will be charged.

The problem with Bush's war on terror is how poorly executed it is. His argument is that we need to give up some liberties and portions of the Constitution to catch the bad guys. But, in general, when the government goes after the bad guys, it's either the wrong ones (see Steven Hatfill in the anthrax case) or they get their asses handed in court by having to accept either plea-bargains or sentences for lesser charges. This is not to say that they haven't had any moderate successes, but I don't think their track record warrants what they are asking for.

So, rest well America. The little fish are getting what they deserve.

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