Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy Birthday, HB!

Today is the HB's 9th birthday. We started the par-tay a few days earlier when we took him and three friends to Universal Studios. The tickets were purchased from two recent charity auctions, so that was a win-win. The boys were great. No fighting, very little "gimmes", no audible bitching when we had to be somewhere or when we had to leave.

Even though he hung all week in DC with his cousin, they wanted a sleepover last night, so we didn't actually see him until today at around noon. My wife drove him there after his theater practice and it gave her and her sisters a chance to convince their mom that she needs live-in assistance. But, that's for a another post.

The HB had very few things on his birthday wishlist--he's not that into stuff compared to his peers. So, we decided to go whole hog and get him a Wii. The nephew's mom knows of a small gaming place that gets them weekly. So, she and my wife got there early one morning and got him one with a couple of games. Every one who asked, "What should I get the HB for his birthday?" was asked to get him a Wii game. He also got some cool books.

We teased him a little during lunch about what he was like as a baby, etc. He seemed to have had a good time. He's a wonderful and happy little boy (hence, the HB). Happy Birthday!


Anonymous said...

There is a Wii in your house!?!

*booking trip to LA*

lola h. said...

happy bday, HB! don't get Wii-wristed!

Chat Wrecker said...

Interesting in that last year I commented to my wife (I think I might have blogged it, but I'm too tired to look right now) that sometimes the HB would get so wound up for BIG days that he would make himself miserable. In fact, he did that at xmas. That was clearly not the case during the bday extravaganza. He really had a good time.

But, I swear, those Wii's must be part of the Orthopedic Surgeon Full Employment Act.