Friday, July 13, 2007

Oh, to be in love....

Nah, not me (well, still with the wife), but my friend, let's call her Kris. She's about 40 and has a pretty good job with a big company. She had been married for about 13 years. I always thought she (or her marriage, I suppose) was pretty weird in that she (and sometimes her hubby) were always going to self development seminars, weekends and such shit. How much of that kind of crap does one person need?

So, about a year ago they are having a discussion/argument about their marriage and he busts out with, "I just don't find you attractive any more." Under normal circumstances this takes HUGE cajones, but given that Kris is disabled (she spends most of her time in a wheelchair but can get around with a cane) it was a pretty amazing, non-PC thing to say. She's no Ellen Stohl, but still.

Kris pretty much took it in stride, but they got divorced pretty soon after that. Kris is not the type of person who sits around and feels sorry for herself, so she went on a cruise in December, a few months after the divorce. She gave me the old, "I just want to relax and chill...I'm not interested in meeting anyone" line. So, of course, she meets someone and they totally hit if off. Like her ex, this guy's about 13 year older. Unlike her ex, he actually makes a reasonable amount of money. He does real estate development in a Rust Belt city and her work was in the desert Southwest. But, she travels a bunch and her company has an office in his city, so she's been able to see him fairly regularly (and, given her travel schedule, about as much as she would have had they lived in the same city).

I get a call from her last week saying she's going to be in LA for a couple of days and we got together for dinner last night. Among the chit-chat she's showing me pictures of them and telling me ALL about him like we're school kids. It was great to see. Oh, and a transfer to his city that she applied for went through and she's moving there at the end of the month. Yeah, maybe she would have taken the transfer if she hadn't met him and maybe she would have moved there without the transfer, but there some serious serendipity occurred.

Is this cute, or what?

1 comment:

lola h. said...


good on her!

nice to hear a sweet story once in a while!