Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Libby Given Clemency? I'm Shocked?!

Just like his daddy, W. has decided to excuse crimes against the American people by providing commuting Scooter Libby's sentence. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's still a felon (for now...Bush can still pardon him before he leaves office) and he has that $250k fine (hm...wonder if and old friend from the Administration or Bushie donor will give him a cushy job soon?). But still, he pretty much got off scot- (I couldn't resist) free. Bush said that the jail time was 'excessive'. No, spending time in jail for being busted with a joint is excessive. Two-and-a-half years in the pokey for trying to interfere with a federal investigation into whether our government is lying to us seem about right to me.

The big questions is whether the bone he has been thrown is enough to keep Libby quiet about what he really knows. My guess is that W is going to have to sweeten the pot a bit more.

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