Saturday, June 9, 2007

Saturday 8

1. do you have an exercise routine currently?

I'm good for 30 minutes a day. I prefer to go for a bike ride at the beach, but I also have a NordicTrak for days when the weather or work won't allow for the ride.

2. what's the most amount of money per month that you would pay for a gym?

$0. I think they are a waste.

3. have you ever been unable to exercise, for instance, due to an injury, lack of funds or time, etc.?

I've had issues with my back being really tight. But a physical therapist gave me some great stretches which has really gotten rid of the problem.

4. have you ever had a friend or family member that exercised TOO much, to the point that they were anorexic (or very, very close)?

No, unless you count Nicole Richie;-)

5. have you ever exercised too much, to the point where it was unhealthy?

Naw....I'm not that much of a fanatic.

6. have you ever had a negative experience at a gym (with other patrons, equipment, trainer) or with the gym themselves (billing, closings, etc.)?


7. one form of exercise that seems bizarre to me is spinning as i cannot understand sitting on a stationary bike for an hour with some little skinny bitch screaming at you from HER stationary bike. what form of exercise do you not 'get' or would never try because it seems too weird to you?

I could never get behind aerobics because the music is like knives in my ear. Oh, the fashion aspect is just too over the top.

8. if you had two free, dedicated hours each day to do something athletic that would NOT take away from work, friends, or family time, and the unlimited funds to do it, what type of exercise would you do daily? lipo, by the way, does not count... ;)

Hm....either biking or hiking.

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