Sunday, June 3, 2007

Date from Heaven

In yesterday's post you (may) recall that my wife and I had big evening plans. In an almost unheard of event, things actually got better. She took the HB down to her mom's place (two doors down from where her sister and our nephew live) to help with her weekend stuff (shopping, hair done, etc.). I called her while I was out and about and figured that we'd all meet up around 5. About that time she called saying that they would probably stay down there for a while longer AND the HB was going to spend the night at my s-i-l's. Woot! This means I was able to watch both the Ducks-Sens Stanley Cup game and the Cavs-Pistons playoff game (ilu HDTV-DR).

The wife made it home at around 8. After her obligatory puttering, she made it pretty clear that sex was the top priority, which worked for me. She's one-and-done in the orgasm department and she definitely had a great one. After chatting about several post-coital options, we decided to go check out Spiderman 3 at the IMAX theater. Great popcorn movie in terms of the actions, etc. Not as good in the plot department or character development of the bad guys as the first two. But, I thought it was pretty cool.