Saturday, September 8, 2007

We All Have Our Moral Lines

When it comes to moral conundrums, we all draw our lines. We may not approve of each others', but these lines form the rationalizations that get us through our days. So, it was with great interest that I read about a woman in Orange County, CA (seriously, no one I know of call is The OC) who is suing the Orange County sheriff when she was forced to remove her hajib when she was booked. Ms. Khatib insists that her religious rights were violated when she was uncovered in the presence of men who were not her husband.

I'm pleased that she is so pious. My sense is that she uses her religion to help others and to live a moral and law abiding life. Oh yeah, except for the part about cheating the government out of money (she and her hubby plead guilty to welfare fraud). Good for her that her case occurred in about the only area where the ACLU (who filed her suit) doesn't have any attorneys with Jewish surnames. Now THAT would have been a moral conundrum.

1 comment:

lola h. said...

uh, yeah. if you've broken the law, you are going to be strip-searched depending on what jail you're booked at. i'd be more pissed about that than being asked to remove a facial covering.

but then again, if you're vanessa hudgens, you don't care about what you're wearing when someone takes your picture...