Monday, September 24, 2007

Walking in a Fall Wonderland, Pt 2.

So, after my last post on the hiking trip, my uncle and I went to a local place for some beers, dinner and to watch the USC-Washington St. game (SC kicked ass). So, we're hanging at the bar and I notice this couple at the other end. They looked mid-late 50s and they have a couple of rounds of drinks--beers and tequila shots. Then they decide to head to our end of the bar to watch the game. My uncle heads to the salad bar and the woman starts talking to me. Best we could tell, their son got married that day in Yosemite. He is their 3rd son and his first marriage. As they are telling us about this, another one of their kids comes over with a grand kid. They chat, invite grandma and grampa to join them for dinner, but they choose to stay at the bar. The couple just didn't have that we're so happy our kid's getting married look to them, and it was weird that they weren't having dinner with their family. There was obviously much more to the story. But, I make it a rule not to get into deep conversations with drunks.

OK, back to the hiking. Here's a snow picture from the first day.

And a cool pic of Cathedral Peak.

Yes, the weather changed that quickly. The second day we did make it to both Dog Lake and Lembert Dome. The clouds stayed, so the views weren't as good. Here a pic of Dog Lake:

And from Lembert Dome, overlooking a valley east of Tuolumne Meadows.

The trip was great. I only wish that my nephew had chosen to join us. He was hesitant since the HB wasn't coming and he didn't want him to feel bad. A nice sentiment, and since my wife head to go out of town, it might not have worked out. But I still really want to take him up there some day.

My uncle and I had a great time, and I'm already thinking of heading back in the spring (if there's plenty of snow in the winter). While the eastern part of the park doesn't have the Yosemite rock stars, it was much less crowded and was spectacular in its own way. I just hope that my nephew and I (and the HB) get to have a similar experiences.

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