Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Ah, the HB started back at school yesterday. Woot! It's nice to get back on a regular schedule as opposed to shifting between camps, days off, etc. One bummer is that the girl in the family we carpooled with is now a middle-schooler and doesn't have a schedule that's conducive to us sharing rides. We'll have to check the school roster to see if there's anyone else in our neighborhood who would be a good candidate. She's a nice girl, but, like most her age, very quiet around everyone except her friends. With the HB's constant chattering, I can only imagine her thanking her lucky stars every day that she doesn't have a younger brother.

We signed him up for one after school class and for a community youth drama group. My wife works with people whose grandkids are in it and she and the HB saw one of their productions this summer and were impressed. I think the HB will really like it.

Fitting with new (school) year's resolutions, we're going to get the HB in, for lack of a better word, better shape. He's getting a bit of a gut and he's just not that into physical activity. So, our new deal is that he can't have dessert (which is usually low fat ice cream/yogurt/pudding) unless he puts in 30 min of outdoor activity when he gets home. It just boggles me how little he wants to go out and run around with other kids. That's all me and my brother ever did. He's different than me at that age, and that's OK. But, I'm not going to let him get fat, for health and social reasons.

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