Saturday, August 25, 2007

Saturday 8

when was the last time you...

1. went to the doctor? why did you have to go?

to get my yearly bloodwork cholesterol is through the roof.

2. had surgery? for what?

Three years ago when I had my vasectomy.

3. visited someone in the hospital? who was it?

Each year the HB and I bring Halloween candy to kids at the local pediatric ward.

4. took a prescription medication? for what?

Painkillers after some dental work about a year ago.

5. injured any part of your body? what were you doing?

About 4 years ago I fractured my nose and elbow in a bike riding accident.

6. ate something that gave you food poisoning? what was it?

I cannot remember the last time I had food poisoning.

7. had a cold/allergies?

I'm sure I had a cold last winter. I don't seem to have allergies.

8. did NOT heed a doctor's advice? what did you ignore/do differently?

I've had good luck with doctors, so I tend to listen to them.

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