Thursday, August 16, 2007

Letting Your Kid Play With Broken Glass

Unlike many Libertarians, I'm in favor of the death penalty under certain circumstances. You know, like the person actually being guilty of the crime. Having said that, as a country we do a shitty job of administering it. Some courts will do anything to prevent it from being carried out (like the 9th Circuit) and others just can't wait to do the injection/pull the switch (see Texas).

Then I read how Alberto Gonzales now has the right to shorten appeals times. OK, it's only by 6 months, but still. This guy doesn't give two mierdas about the rights of individuals (see the Patriot Act). What makes you think that he has an innocently convicted criminal's back?

All this makes a modicum of sense if the only people being sent to the chair/table are those with solid DNA evidence against them. But, that's not the case. Often times it's just a forced confession or a jail house squeal. The process should be fixed and sped up (for the sake of the victims' families if nothing else), but I don't think Gonzales is the guy to do it right.

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