Monday, August 27, 2007

Hit the Road, 'Bert

Hearing the news of Alberto Gonzalez resigning set off that Jim Nabors voice in my head. Y'know, the Gomer Pyle one that goes, "Surprise, surprise, surprise." My sense is that W. wants the justice department to ask congress for some more authority to wiretap, or some such shit, and the last person there with a brain in his/her head figured out Al wasn't the guy to (successfully) make their case. Bush, like his daddy, is loyal to a fault, so I'm sure he wasn't thrilled with the political calculation, but I'm sure he'll get over it.

Remember before Bush stepped in it by floating Harriet Miers' name he was thinking of Gonzalez for the Supreme Court? Now THAT would have been leaving his stamp on the Court. Kind of in the same way his dad did with Clarence Thomas.

So now, any Republican with any previous ties to the justice department and who has friends in PR circles has had his/her name floated for the job. Floated being the key work if Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security when Katrina hit, is nominated.

Why Bush thought (OK, why Cheney thought) it was a good idea to have his personal lawyers (Gonzalez and Miers) supposedly representing the people at the federal level is beyond me. Big surprise (that word again) when your boss/buddy wants additional political power and for you to go justify it. Yup, lots of critical thinking and back-and-forth going on in that discussion.

So, Mr. Gonzalez will head into the private sector with some law/lobbying firm and make the big money. I'm sure there are lots of companies and causes that need a well paid yes-man.

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