Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Right now I'm watching Barry Bonds talk to the media after breaking Hank Aaron's home run record. He's being surprisingly humble, thought a little edgy when asked if the record is tainted or when asked what he would say to his former trainer (Greg Anderson) who is stewing in jail while he doesn't rat on him.

I'm a huge baseball fan. I can clearly remember watching Aaron break Babe Ruth's record against the Dodgers (hitting it off of Al Downing). I've had many a discussion with other baseball fans about the legitimacy of Bonds breaking the record given his (alleged) steroids use. My thoughts are:

1) I think he used steroids and shit. I also think that many of the pitchers he faced did as well.

2) I believe that he would have broken the record whether he used the shit or not. He is an amazing baseball player. But, he's a cheater.

2) Steroids make you strong, but don't help your hand eye coordination.

3) All sports records are relative to the era. He'll still hit more than other steroid users, such as Maguire, Sosa, Palmiero, etc.

Given all that I have some mixed feelings about him having the record, but the scoreboard doesn't lie. For all those haters out there, remember that Alex Rodriguez is about 6 seasons from passing him.

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