Monday, August 13, 2007

Roving Into the Sunset

As you probably heard by now, Bush's brain/Svengali/alter ego is leaving the White House to further avoid being subpoenaed and get a seriously lucrative consulting position in a lobbying firm...I mean, spend more time with his family. I don't want to hear any crap about W's cabinet crumbling. It's not unusual for White House aides who came in with the president to leave before him, especially a two-termer like George. The media's making a extra big deal about this because of Rove's (supposed) influence over the president.

How much of a difference will this make in Bush's remaining time in office? Well, not much in Iraq. He's in too fucking deep to change course now. But, Rove's resignation may take some of the political considerations out of W's policies on immigration and health care. Since many Republicans will be running away from Bush in '08, he actually has the opportunity to do what he thinks is right (not to be confused with what the country thinks is right), not what he thinks will elect more Republicrats. Of course, the big question is whether the devil we don't know is better or worse than the one we do.

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