Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Camping Adventure

Well, didn't hear from the HB's camp, so I'm assuming he'll make it back with all limbs this afternoon. Unfortunately, some fog rolled in last night, so unless they were above it I don't think that he had the great star gazing experience. How did I know the fog rolled it? Because the wife and I took advantage of the evening without him to go out for some fancy food. It was a bit on the snooty side in that the maƮtre d' informed us that we could only have a patio table for 90 minutes. Well, you stuck-up shit, we made the reservation, so we'll keep the fucking table as long as we need it. Also, we won't be darkening you doorstep any more than we have to if your wait and kitchen staff have their shit together (our reservation was for just when they were opening for dinner).

The patio there is great and relaxing and the food was excellent. Our waiter was pleasant enough and pretty much on top of things. He wasn't your typical actor/model/waiter, rather he's a pro (been at the restaurant for 10+ years). After dinner we drove home separately as I had picked up my wife at her work which is close to the restaurant. I had quite the pleasure of listening to the Angels tear the Yankees a new one (18-9, yes, you read that correctly).

After playing with the dog and winding down some, it was nice to have sex when we felt like it, not when the HB decided to finally stay in bed. Sleeping in a bit felt good as well.

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