Friday, May 4, 2007

When I'm 64

I had the joy this morning of doing retirement planning. My wife has lots of opinions about this, but refuses to do any of the heavy lifting, so I chatted with the guy who manages my SEP today. We're fairly conservative with our money and have almost no debt (just my car). The problem we need to solve for is putting the HB through (potentially) 8 years of college and have enough money to travel. We already have a bunch invested (about $700k) and our (paid for) house it worth at least that much.

Meanwhile, a friend of the HB's has been teaching him Beatles' songs (Octopus's Garden, Hello, Goodbye)--but not quite correctly. He came home singing some parts wrong and when we played the songs for him he insisted that the recorded version was was hilarious. We finally convinced him that his friend is wrong that he should teach her the right way to sing them.

The wife and I had some great sex and conversation last night. We weren't exhausted and made it upstairs at a reasonable hour (once the Warriors put their game out of reach against Dallas). I thought she was going to crush my skull with her thighs when she came, so it was all good.

I have a call this afternoon with a client about a new project. If it goes through as discussed it would definitely keep me busy for a couple of months. While they aren't the type of company that gets all excited about a project than doesn't do it they do have some new people in places who could give it the thumbs down. I guess I'll have to be extra

1 comment:

lola h. said...

clone#1 decided that when she took spanish class at the age of 4 it was "uno, dos, KLEYZ" instead of "tres." she pitched a fit that SHE WAS RIGHT and we couldn't convince her otherwise. now she knows the difference and we'll rag on her until we're in the nursing home about it. "you know, 'KLEYZ.' "