Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Rules Be Gettin' Me Down

Today has not been a good one for me and "the man". First, the HB and I have had a couple of bachelor days as my wife's been in Atlanta for some grant reviews. So, we've been chowing some seafood, using the hot tub, etc. I had a two hour meeting scheduled this morning from 9-11. No biggie. Well, this client was tons of new analyses so I end up hanging there for a while. It starts getting late to the point where the HB will have to go to after care, which is not a problem. The wife and I have bought blocks of time for him to go and he kind of digs it. Then at about 3:30 I get this call, "Mr. Chat Wrecker, did you know that there's no after school care today and the HB is the last kid in his class who's still here?" Umb, no, I didn't know that, but that was my cue to get my ass over there.

So, we get home and I check on the mail. There weren't any checks (damn), but I did get a letter from the asshats who run some of the private toll roads in southern California. They seem to think that I drove on one of their cow paths without paying the toll. Uh, dipshits, I was nowhere fucking near that goddamn road on May 13th, thank you very much. I got one of these letters from these stupid cunts about two years ago. I wrote back, "Hey, unless I've been cast in the Twilight Zone, there's no way I was in two places at once, which is the only way I could have been on your road. Why don't you just send me that picture, OK?" Of course, they didn't have the picture, but they had the chutzpah to send me back a letter which basically said, "Ooops, sorry, it wasn't you. But, while we have your address, would you like to buy a FastPass (an transponder that allows you to blow through without paying cash)." Thanks, but no. However, you can stick it up your ass.

Finally, I found out that three (3!) of my invoices to one of my biggest clients fell into a black hole. Ugh. So, I redid the paperwork, etc. This is the day after my bank was on my ass about getting more of my clients to pay me electronically (in my dreams). Fuckers...just give me my credit for the non-services you rendered.

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