Monday, January 19, 2009

MLK Day and the Inauguration

I had the HB yesterday morning and we drove around running some errands and talked about MLK Day and President Obama. He knew that Obama spoke from where King did on the Mall yesterday and has a reasonable idea (for a 9 year old) who King was and what he stood for.

It's going to be hard to gauge the meaning of today's inauguration. On one hand, having an African-American sworn in as president is something many people of my generation did not think we'd see. Considering that no other Western democracy has sworn in a racial or religious minority as president/prime minister, it shows our country's capacity to (somewhat) look past race. Yes, Hillz supporters, I know that many of them have elected a woman to the highest office in the land. Just try to imagine if a Jew or Muslim was elected prime minister in Europe. Or someone of African descent leading France. Fat fucking chance.

But, Obama's swearing in isn't going to cause rainbows to appear and unicorns to prance in Lafayette Park. Will it melt away some cynicism and partisianship in DC? One can only hope. Last November the electorate demanded something different in our politics, but more importantly, in our country's culture. Hell, if the Cardinals can make the Super Bowl, I guess anything is possible.

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