Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day

Got up this morning with a low grade hangover and started cooking my portion of Thanksgiving dinner (bird, stuffing and gravy). For whatever reason, the wife wanted the full bird this year. So, I had to make the stuffing early (as opposed to with the breast roast I normally make). The 14lb bird is roasting away and now I'm watching a bit of football before doing stage two on the extra stuffing (I'll make it into a casserole).

When everything is all done, the HB, NZS and I will head to my s-i-l's. My wife went with her earlier this morning to pick up their brother and his wife who are joining us today from ABQ on their way to Hawaii.

Football note--I need to win my fantasy football game and have another guy lose his. Unfortunately, one of my opponents running backs, Chris Johnson, is playing against Detroit, the worst defense in the league. Johnson has two touchdowns...and it's only the first quarter. This is not looking good.

I hope that you have a great Thanksgiving and have the chance to reflect on the good things in your life.

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