Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Recap could I have forgotten this? I'm not one to wax about how I wish the HB stayed a certain age, but I will be bummed when he doesn't want me to trick-or-treat with him anymore.

We started (as we usually do) at our neighbors' for an early dinner. Then we linked up with some of his buddies (one of their moms joined us) and hit the street (I had a red go-cup full of wine). The HB was dressed up as a nerd zombie (had to be seen) and me as a tourist.

There were some cool haunted houses and another neighbor gave the HB a HUGE Hershey bar. He knocked off a bit earlier than usual, which gave me a chance to catch the end of the NZS's football game (the lost in a battle for first place in their league). But, he had a great time, and that's what counts.

With the house decorated, the pumpkins, the dressing up and the lack of presents, I'm still very much of the opinion that Halloween kicks ass over xmas.

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