Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Day After

OK, raise your hands if you thought the presidential election was going to be close. I was telling anyone who would listen last week that it would be a rout, and it was. I'm not going to go on, and on, and on about the election, but a few observations:

1) I love when a campaign is losing in the polls near the end starts saying shit like, "Well, we think the polls are wrong." Really? Those things that you completely used to construct your campaign are now suddenly worthless? Were they wrong when you picked a completely unqualified person to be be veep? Just checking.

2) The "logical" leaps made from the primaries now seem even more ridiculous. Remember when the Clinton supporters were making the argument to the super delegates that they should vote for her because she, and only she, could win in blue-collar states? I'm seeing a lot of blue in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. The only major demographic group that Obama lost were white men and they haven't gone democratic in 40 years.

3) Young people actually voted. Every campaign that lost last time around talks about getting "their" voters to the polls next time. Obama clearly made the democratic pie bigger. If his first term sucks, it will completely turn off a generation of young voters the same way LBJ did to JFK's youth vote.

I'm pissed that Prop 8 failed here. Now comes the court challenges, etc. The only silver lining is that the margin was much smaller than the last time such a thing was on the ballot. Here's the kicker--it was the minority vote that put it over the top. Nothing like people who struggled to gain civil rights denying them to others. Especially on this night.

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