Friday, October 10, 2008


Tonight is the NZS's homecoming football game. Now that his knee is healthy enough for him to play, he's asked the wife and I several times if we're going to the game. I'd go no matter what (I've been to some where he hasn't played), but this is the exchange student-mom test for her as she detests football. But, we'll meet some friends there so it shouldn't be too horrible for her. Although, come to think of it, I don't think she's ever been to a football game and not drank a bunch of vodka. I guess there's a first for everything.

I couldn't get myself to watch the Dodgers-Phillies game last night. I guess I'm still a few days away from watching baseball again.

Work is going fine. So far, no cancellations based on the economy (yet) and a new project keeps chugging along. We'll just keep our fingers crossed.

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