Thursday, July 30, 2009

As an Old Dream Drove Away

I'm not big of a car person. I like them to run, but I'm more into their utility than their style. There have only been two exceptions to this. When I was very young (before I could drive), I though have a red Corvette would be da bomb. I grew out of that. My fave car as an adult was a red (yes, there's a theme here) Celica. I loved that car. But, it got drowned in the garage during a flood when I lived near Boston (sniff).

As you can imagine, little red sports cars aren't the rage in Beantown. I looked and looked for another red Celica. More importantly, a red CONVERTIBLE Celica. But, they were nowhere to be found. I wanted one then and I still do, though it's somewhat impracticle now.

So, this morning, I'm driving the HB to camp and find myself, you guessed it, right behind a red CONVERTIBLE Celica. Sigh...

When I got home, I searched on Craigslist and found one pretty quickly. I'm not sure if I can rationalize this, but I may try.

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