Friday, July 10, 2009

They're Just Not That Into You

Since a former Nazi-youth pope was elected, you have to figure things would get rocky between the Vatican and the Jewish community. Well, at least those who pay attention to every word of what they write/say about each other. Sure, the pope welcomed back a holocaust denier, but anyone could make that mistake...not.

So, what's the latest? Well, christians of all ilks seem to think it's their duty to convert others (by force, if necessary) so that these ignorant infidels can be granted access to heaven. Jews, like others who have firm belief in their own version of the afterlife, of which they're guaranteed the good spots, aren't so wild about this. The argument (something akin to how many letters can be written on the head of a pin) is whether or not in the recently reinstated mass or a 2002 memo the catholic hierarchy has reverted back to wanting to convert jews.

To those in the Jewish community who are concerned about this, allow me to make it clear: Those in the catholic hierarchy do not think you are getting into heaven until you accept jesus. At best, this makes you naiive in their eyes. They take pity on you (at best) and want to help you see the light--they feel it's their mission and have felt this way for 2000 years. Like the scorpion, it is their nature. They may talk nice to your face and don't raise armies to destroy you, but they aren't into you, except as potential dues paying converts. To think otherwise is what makes you naiive.

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