Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me...

Yup, the big day was today. Actually, we started celebrating on Sunday when we took the HB to his first rock concert (George Thorogood). It took him a while to get into it (he had the stereotypical drunk dude in front of him until we switched seats), but he thoroughly enjoyed himself.

Yesterday a friend gave me one of his season tix to see the Angels (they lost after Fuentes coughed up a two-run lead in the 9th). It was a beautiful night at the park (which reminds me, I still have to do that Angel Stadium vs. Dodger Stadium post one of these days) and we had a great time.

Today I had a full work plate. As an aside, right now the recession is an abstract concept for my business. I've gotten 3 calls to start projects in the last 48 hours. WTF? Doesn't matter...I'm gonna ride it as long as I can.

My parents joined us for dinner. Both the HB and the wife's allergies are acting up, so there was much sniffling. But the food was awesome and we had a tasty bottle of wine (Holus Bolus 2006 Syrah).

Overall, a fun weekend. I'm definitely one to embrace my birthday. Besides it being one of the few times I enjoy being an attention whore, it's a good excuse to hear from people and get caught up (yes, I did get bday greetings from Lynn). And, what the hell. I'm not feeling that old, yet.

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