Sunday, March 1, 2009

Throwing Good Healthcare Money After Bad

Yesterday my wife gets a call from her mom. She just had a CAT scan done and her cancer has spread from her lungs to her liver. As you recall, her emphysema is so bad that they weren't gonna bother treating the lung cancer. So, why in the fuck would they do a CAT scan of her other organs? Now you see what I mean by the importance of rationing health care. I wonder how many early mammograms that little piece of misguided modern technology would have bought?

The cost of CAT scans are all over the board, but it seems that $1,500 is in the ballpark. Cost per mammogram? About $100. I gotta believe that money would have been better spent on those additional 15 mammographies (or some other preventative treatment) than for discovering something in the body of a woman that wasn't going to get treated anyway. Whoever ordered and approved that test should be fired.

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