Monday, March 23, 2009

My Work Shore After the Tsunami

The big work crunch has passed. Things got done and a deadline got extended (that's right, extended, not cut). Whew. Here's the big news:

1) The HB did NOT get the part he wanted in the play. Tears were shed but he's more or less over it now. He's oh-for-callbacks, which is disconcerting. If the director doesn't want him for these parts (and clearly she doesn't), then why invite him back? This has nothing to do with whether he is more talented than the kids who got them or not. That's up to the director to decide and I'm NOT going to be a stage dad. But he's doing this for fun and while I don't expect him to get every role he wants (yes, having to handle some dissapointment is a good thing), never getting one isn't doing him any good either.

2) Continuing the tour of SoCal with the NZS2, we went to the San Diego Zoo yesterday. It was kinda iffy as it rained the whole drive down there. But, the skies cleared after lunch and we had a really good time. It was the most excited I had seen the NZS2 about anything.

3) The big birthday weekend, the HB and NZS2 is coming up. Plans are in the works. More details in a later post.

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