Monday, February 26, 2007

Oscar Night

I’m not really into the Oscars, or any awards show for that matter. The idea of judging art for statues just seems impossible and dumb. Art is arguable, box office isn’t. That’s how America judges the best movies.

Since the show is on so early here (5:30pm), we decided to record it. But, by the time we got to watch the program it was 9:30. Unlike sports, it’s hard to blow through the Academy Awards. Sure, you don’t need to watch the commercials. But, you can’t watch it on fast-forward—what people say, the small snippets from the movies and what people are wearing (my wife’s favorite part) all go by too quickly. It took us 2 hours to get through it and we didn’t even watch the stuff I wanted to (the foreign language film montage, who died last year, some of the songs, etc.). Shit, the thing was over by the time we started watching. If all she cared about was who won we could have looked that up online in about 2 minutes. So, I just put it on Save Until I Delete and will try to see the other stuff later.

I’m not into who wore what, who has had work done, etc. But I will say this: Jennifer Hudson needs to donate some of her cheeseburgers to Nicole Kidman.

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