Friday, May 8, 2009

First Time For Everything

As a home brewer I've always heard other people's brewing disaster stories (exploding this and that). I figured they were either urban legends or the result of carelessness.

So, I walk into where I keep my beer and smell, well, beer. My first thought was that when I was moving something around I had hit a bottle and cracked it or some such. After closer inspection, it was obvious that a full bottle had broken. And there was beer stains on the ceiling. Something clearly had blown. It's been warm here, but not that hot. Apparently I had not filled one of the bottles enough. At least it wasn't a bottle from a really good batch.

I'll have to keep this in mind when I bottle the Swine Flu Porter early next week.

1 comment:

lola said...

omg ... i'm glad that the HB wasn't standing next to it when that happened!