Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sat 8: Jobs (I'm soooo late on this)

1. what was your worst job? why?

Doing early am prep at a restaurant. The owners were assholes.

2. what was your best job? why?

Besides the one I have now? The summer between my junior and senior year in college I drove deliveries. Not UPS, but documents, etc. I got to listen to music in my car all day, go see my friends during breaks, and learned LA like the back of my hand. Plus, now I can parallel park like nobody's business.

3. are you looking for a new job now?

Some more work, yes. New job, no.

4. when did you get the job you have now? if you're unemployed, how long have you been without a job?

A little more than two years ago when I left my previous firm.

5. have you ever been fired from a job? what happened?

Nope, but I have been fired by clients when things haven't gone as they had expected (not too often). I think I've fired as many clients as clients have fired me.

6. have you ever had a horrible, back-stabbing colleague?


7. have you heard of or ever been involved in a an office scandal at your work?

No--I work for myself so I don't have to deal with that drama.

8. what's your dream job?

What I have now, with less selling.

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